Machine Learning

Why learn Machine Learning ❓ #

  • With machine learning, you can build applications that can learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, enabling them to make predictions, identify patterns, and automate tasks.
  • Some cool examples of machine learning applications include,
  1. Speech recognition used in virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa
  2. Movies and series recommender systems used by streaming platforms like Netflix
  3. Object detection used in self driving cars

🎓 Take Away Skills #

After completing this learning path you will be able to:

  • Build machine learning projects

🛠️ Prerequisites #

🧑🏻‍💻 Programming Knowledge #

Programming knowledge in python is a must. There is no point in continuing without programming knowledge.

You can use Python learning path to learn python :snake:

💡 Machine learning involves mathematics. 
An interest in mathematics and knowledge in +2 level mathematics would be good.

📲 Installation and Setup #

  • A laptop windows/mac is a must.
  • Would prefer a laptop with NVIDIA GPU or an M1 Mac
  • A light weight code editor like VSCode
  • Should install python. Rest of the packages you can install on the go.

💡 Learning Session #

Basics of A.I. #

🎓 Topics to Learn

- Difference between machine learning and normal programming
- What is A.I., Machine Learning and Deep learning
- Supervised, Non-supervised, reinforcement and self-supervised learning
- A.I. Ethics and practices
- Training, testing and inference

Video tutorials


🛠️ Get into action

  • Dig more in the internet about the above topics and learn
  • Write blogs/ do youtube videos about your learning
  • Take sessions about the above topics

Machine learning algorithms #

🎓 Topics to Learn

- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Trees
- Random Forest
- Naive Bayes
- k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Gradient Boosting
- Neural Networks 

Video Tutorials

📄 Articles/Blogs

🛠️ Get into action

  • Follow Sentdex tutrials, understand machine learning algorithms and implement it in python
  • Learn sklearn and try out the code in free code camp crash course
  • Pick up a dataset and train a model using just python and then use sklearn

Deep learning and neural networks #

🎓 Topics to Learn

- What is deep learning 
- Deep neural networks
- Vision, NLP, Time series...etc
- Gradient descent 
- Types of neural networks
- Convolutional Neural networks
- Recurrent Neural networks
- Transformers

Video Tutorials

📄 Articles/Blogs

🛠️ Get into action

  • Write a blog or create a youtube video about your learning
  • Try out the codes in the above resources yourself

Learn machine learning framework(s) #

🎓 Topics to Learn

- Different machine learning frameworks
- Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, fastAI, huggingface transformers, spacy...etc
- MNIST image classification in 3 popular ML frameworks
- Use framework docs and learn 
- Do projects 

Video Tutorials

📄 Articles/Blogs

🛠️ Get into action

  • Go through the above resources. Try out code
  • Think about a machine learning project (or ask chatGPT for ideas) and start doing it with your learning

🚀 Project Pool #

  • Build a chatbot using spacy and huggingface transformers to talk about this learning paths
  • Collect dataset for indian dishes and create a food classifier app that explain various food items in India.
  • Build a malayalam fake news classifier by fine tuning a huggingface transformer model

Created with 💙 by Gopikrishan Sasikumar & TinkerHub