
Why learn Django ❓ #

  • Django is designed to create web applications quickly and easily, ranging from small websites to large-scale enterprise applications.
  • Learning Django can enable you to build a variety of web applications, including blogs, e-commerce sites, social networks, content management systems, and more.

🎓 Take Away Skills #

After completing this learning path you will be knowledgeable in:

  • django-admin cli
  • handle HTTP request and response
  • Rendering Templates using Django templates
  • ORM (Object Relation Mapper)
  • Form handling
  • Authentication
  • APIs using Django Rest Framework

🛠️ Prerequisites #

🧑🏻‍💻 Programming Knowledge #

Before learning django, there are a few prerequisites that you should have a basic understanding of:

  • Python : You need to have a good grasp of python which include, data types, variables, functions, lists, control structures, classes and objects.

  • HTML, CSS and JS : To build a web application with django, you need to have basic understanding of HTML, CSS and Javascript.

📲 Installation and Setup #

You need to install a code editor, browser and a python interpreter to follow along this path. You can choose editor and browser of your choice, the preferred ones are listed below

  • VS Code

    Light-weight code editor by Microsoft with a large ecosystem of plugins to help your workflow

    Install VS Code

  • Google Chrome

    A browser based on V8 JavaScript engine with developer tools.

    Install Google Chrome

  • Python

    The Python interpreter that executes Python code. It is available for download from the official Python website, make sure to check the option to add to path during installation.

    Install Python

Get started by installing Django using pip

pip install django

Choose a project directory and run the following command to create a django project.

django-admin startproject myproject

Now move into the newly created project folder and open vscode to start editing

cd myproject
code .

To make sure everything is done correctly run the following command to run the development server

python runserver

💡 Learning Session #

🎓 Topics to Learn #

  • django CLI

    • Create project and apps
    • Database migration
  • urls

    • url patterns
  • Creating views

    • Templates
      • if..else
      • for loop
      • blocks
      • include
      • extends
    • Static files
  • ORM (Object relation mapper)

    • Database models
    • Field options
    • Database CRUD operation
    • Table relationships
    • Aggregation
  • Forms

    • CSRF Tokens
    • Form fields
    • Rendering forms in templates
  • Authentication

    • Creating Login and sign up forms
    • Session handling
  • Extensions

  • Hosting

    • Gunicorn
    • NGINX
    • PostgreSQL
    • Docker

🎓 Learn from #

📽️ Videos #

📄 Articles/Blogs #

🛠️ Get into action #

Small and Easy projects to test what you have learned so far

  • Create a simple todo-list. Use django models to store to the database.

  • Create a owner-pet model to understand database relationship (Use the admin interface to add and delete data)

  • Use a css framework like bootstrap to create a base template, Extend the view and generate dynamic contents using data from the database

🔖 Resource Pool #

📄 Articles/Blogs #

📽️ Videos #

🫂 Communities #

🚀 Project Pool #

A few projects you can build to implement the concepts you have learned above:

  • Create a microblog using all the features we learned. ie, templates, models, authentication, database models. Try to add features like comments, likes etc.

  • Create an E-Commerce application. Get familiar with integrating payment gateway checkout Razorpay and stripe

Created with 💙 by Bhagyaj Kumar & TinkerHub