Rest API in Django

Why learn Django Rest Framework ❓ #

  • Rapid development: DRF provides a wide range of pre-built tools and libraries that make it easy to create robust and scalable APIs quickly. With DRF, you can handle common tasks such as serialization, authentication, and pagination with minimal effort, allowing you to focus on the business logic of your application.

  • Comprehensive documentation: DRF has extensive and well-organized documentation that makes it easy to get started and find answers to common questions. The documentation includes examples and tutorials that cover a range of use cases, making it easy to learn and apply the framework to your own projects.

  • Flexibility: DRF provides a flexible and modular architecture that allows you to customize your APIs to meet your specific needs. You can use DRF with a variety of database engines, authentication methods, and serialization formats, making it easy to integrate with existing infrastructure and third-party services.

  • Built-in security features: DRF includes several security features, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption, that help protect your APIs and data from unauthorized access and attacks.

  • Large community: DRF has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework and provide support and resources to other users. This means that you can find answers to your questions, collaborate on projects, and share best practices with other DRF users around the world.

Overall, learning Django REST framework can help you create robust and scalable APIs quickly, with a wide range of built-in features and a large and active community for support.

🎓 Take Away Skills #

After completing this learning path you will be knowledgeable in:

  • Understanding of what an API is and how it works

  • Ability to build a basic CRUD API with Django

    Conceptual Knowledge: #

  • Serialization:- Serialization refers to the process of converting complex data structures, such as Python objects, into a format that can be easily transmitted over the network, such as JSON. DRF provides powerful and flexible serialization tools that allow you to easily convert between different data formats.

  • Views: In DRF, views are Python functions or classes that define the logic for handling incoming requests and generating responses. DRF provides a range of built-in view classes that can handle common tasks, such as CRUD operations and authentication, making it easy to create APIs quickly.

  • Serializers: Serializers are classes that define how data should be converted to and from a specific data format, such as JSON or XML. DRF provides a range of serializers that make it easy to convert between different data formats and validate incoming data.

  • Authentication: Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user or system before allowing access to protected resources. DRF provides built-in support for several authentication methods, such as token-based authentication and OAuth2, making it easy to secure your APIs.

  • Permissions: Permissions refer to the rules that govern which users or systems have access to specific resources or actions. DRF provides a range of built-in permission classes that allow you to easily control access to your APIs based on factors such as user roles, IP addresses, or request methods.

🛠️ Prerequisites #

To get started with Django RestFramwork, you should have some basic programming knowledge and be familiar with Python 3.7+ 🐍. Additionally, it’s recommended to have an understanding of HTTP and RESTful API principles or what is - REST API.

📲 Installation and Setup #

To install Django Restframwork, you can use pip, Python’s package manager. Run the following command in your terminal:

pip install django

pip install djangorestframework

Add rest_framework to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.


To run server

python run server

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Created with 💙 by Adnan Kattekadan & TinkerHub